Miscellaneous Trim Seals
Specially designed Trim Seals featuring Rubber D Seals, Ribbed Profile Seals, Size Range Edge Trims and more.
These Trim Seals are customized to fit the exact needs of your application and sealing needs. Combine nearly any of our Edge Trim or Size Range Edge with almost any of our Rubber Seal profiles, including "D" profiles, bulb profiles, ribbed profiles, flap seal or Hatch Seal.
Trim-Lok can customize your seal location as well. Select from the standard "A," "C," or "E" locations. If you need more than one seal profile, we can do that too!
Browse a sample of our current offering below or Contact a Sales Rep today.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our Regular Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our Regular Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.
Combination of our stock waterproof rubber seal and regular trim, measuring 9/32” x 1/8”.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our Regular Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our Regular Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our Regular Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our Regular Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our Regular Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our Regular Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.
Combination of our Hatch Seal Bulb and Size Range Edge Trim to achieve the perfect Trim Seal.
Combination of our stock Rubber Seal and our standard Edge Trim to achieve the perfect Trim-Seal.